LEADERSHIP 2024-2025
Renié E. Bright
34A District Governor 2024-2025
Renié E. Bright
(Guntersville Lions)
Craig Gadow
First Vice District Governor
(Cullman Lions)
Alabama Lions District 34A
COMMUNICATIONS Goal Statement: By the end of the upcoming Lion year, District 34A, will develop a timely and
targeted Communication plan between the Clubs and District 34A focused on clear and relevant messaging used to
educate membership and create excitement, satisfaction, and Lion’s Pride
LCIF Goal Statement: By the end of the upcoming Lion year, District 34A, membership will pledge $28,000 to LCIF
SERVICE ACTIVITIES Goal Statement: By the end of the upcoming Lion year, District 34A, will report 65% of Service
Activities in Lions International Portal
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Goal Statement: By the end of the upcoming Lion year, District 34A will train 100% of
Region/Zone Chairs and 50% of Club Officers
MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT (MISSION 1.5) Goal Statement: By the end of Lion year, District 34A, will grow by 107
members & end year w/a positive membership growth of four (4)
CHARTER NEW CLUBS Goal Statement: By the end of the upcoming Lion year, District 34A will start two (2) new clubs
with twenty (20) Charter Members
SPECIAL INITATIVE (DIABETES & YOUTH): By the end of the upcoming Lion Year, District 34A is asking each club to add
an additional service project focused on either Youth or Diabetes outreach.
This year’s theme “Lions are a Light in the Darkness” was inspired by Lion Ted Crona from Scottsboro Lions Club and
although this pin has the years 2022-23 listed, I felt a strong connection with Ted’s idea. Through the eight (8) Global Causes
we, Lions, are lighting MANY candles in our communities each one tailored to meet the communities’ unique needs fulfilling
our promise “where there is a need, there is a Lion.”
Patrick Lenhart
Second Vice District Governor
(Scottsboro Lions)
34A Events Fall 2024
District 34 A Annual Convention
March 7-8, 2025
On Friday, March 7, 2025, join us for a delightful evening of fun and fellowship at the Strides
Walk/Dance, where we will come together to celebrate our community service.
The following day, Saturday, March 8, 2025, will be a day of inspiration and collaboration. We
will hold our important business meeting, recognize our Lion Leaders for their invaluable
contributions, and enjoy a de
lightful Luncheon. The highlight of the day will be a Keynote Address from PID Jay Moughon,
who will inspire us with his insights and vision for our future. This convention is not just an
event; it's an opportunity to strengthen our bonds and reaffirm our commitment to service.
We can't wait to see you there!
Location: Bob Harrison Wellness and Advocacy Center - 6156 Pulaski Pike NW, Huntsville, AL 35810
If you need to stay overnight, may I suggest that you consider Huntsville Marriott at the Space and Rocket Center, 5
Tranquility Base, Huntsville, AL 35805 Phone: 256-830-2222 . Our International guest will be hosted in this hotel.
And finally, you will get a discount if you register by February 2, 2025. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.